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A Budding Writer's Guide to Developing an Excellent Content

Technically, when the contents of your website, blogs or social media profiles are interesting and engaging enough, people will get intrigued and curious making them visit your page.
However, whilst completely helpful, creating quality content is never that easy.
Coming up and settling with great content should always be a choice. You can have the option to put in the time and work required in creating quality content and builds a stronger brand. Or, you can take the shortcut and create poor writeups — which will surely bring you to nowhere, resulting in wasted time, effort, and resources.
The trail for content marketing isn’t as vague as others may think. In fact, it is no secret that in order to boost SEO rankings, gain traffic or achieve leads, you’ll need to have great content posted on your website or blog.
When you publish original content on the web, search engines are willing to back you up in getting more exposure. Google has said it clear that they do not like and would penalize sites with duplicate content. Another way, Google would reward sites that contain original and high-quality content. Indeed, not only that fresh and prime content adds more credibility to your site, but it also helps escalate your site’s ranking on SERPs, which can have a great impact on your business.
Whatever your reason may be, whether it’s purely for business or just a personal interest, it’s important that you shouldn’t take the shortcut in content creation and management. In this post, we’ll break down excellent considerations in developing great content.
Think of a Topic
In creating content, make sure to remember two great rules: first, it must be something that interests you; and second, something that interests your readers. Basically, in taking steps to know what people want, you have to do some initial research too. On this, you can go into active forums to see what people frequently ask. Think that people who tend to ask on forums usually fail to find good answers to their queries. Exhaust the topic to your advantage. Provide them a good answer — a satisfactory one.
Make a Comprehensive Research about the Topic
If you have a little idea about a certain topic that you want to cover, make sure to perform comprehensive research. Seek some related news, blog posts, videos, etc. Or, if you think the information is still not enough, consider asking individuals whom you know who have the right knowledge about the subject.
Personalize Your Content
Has your content personalized to obtain better engagement with specific target readers? This will help you trigger attention from those people who aren’t likely to be interested in spending on the products or services you are trying to promote. Also, this may greatly help you in building better brand authority.
Create Content Connected To Your Objective
It would be important to note that your content should match your overall marketing strategy. For example, if you are trying to show your readers that you are a brand with authority, your content must be pointed to this goal. You can produce press releases and other content formats depending on which you think can fire interest to your readers. Make sure it’s free from errors in terms of information and grammar. Double check your data sources if you must, and never forget to add citations and acknowledgments. This will make both the search engine and the users happy.
Choose the Best Channels
Not every piece of your content can match all the available promotional channels out there. First, you must customize your intended marketing strategy according to each channel. Next, have a list of the entire channel options you’re willing to consider and have them categorized according to the type of content they are suitable with. This will serve as your quick list of references when deciding which channel to use for each content you plan to craft.
Think about the particular audience group you want to read and engage with your content. Added to that, consider the location of these audience members where they are likely to be residing. Let’s say you are writing an article about your handmade product that can only be shipped within the United States. Make sure you won’t distribute your article to blog owners from the United Kingdom or Australia.
It is also essential that you consider the image you are trying to portray. When you are trying to boost your authority as an economist, for example, you’ll have to target established economic publications rather than targeting smaller and less authoritative blogs.
Follow-up for SEO
Your work isn’t over the moment you hit “publish”. Now, even if you are able to run a successful piece of content that has been published by most of your targeted websites, you still need to ensure that you earn all of the SEO credit. Know that many people allow you to publish your content on their site but may not include any backlinks directed to your website. This is something that you must be concerned about.
You can have this effectively done by setting up Google Alert to send you an email whenever your content title is published or your brand is mentioned on any content. Also, you may use various services like Followerwonk to help you track social media mentions.
The moment you have compiled a list of the sites that have published your content, take a close look at each one and see which of them have linked back to your website.
Certainly, if you are the one who makes the content, you surely deserve the credit. However, if you find a website that hasn't linked back, you can reach them through email or give them a tweet and request to include a link directed to your website. Don’t worry because if they have utilized your content, most will be happy to return you the favor.
Author Bio:
Robert D-Vera specializes in website management and SEO(Search Engine Optimization) management. He thrives on teaching new writers the basics of article composition.
Keywords : Writer's Guide to Developing an Excellent Content

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