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Multi Level Marketing MLM Legal Rules and Guidelines by Government of Rajasthan

Law is the dictate of government that everyone ought to pursue. A few say it is for the interest of the people while others assert it does not bring them euphoria.
Either or it has to abide. From a minute entity to a huge commodity – all are protected by the law. Frankly speaking, it has not spared even software as in order to regulate the sale of goods and services outside of retail establishments and for the protection of consumers who purchase trust the direct sellers while purchasing goods and services, Rajasthan, the government has implemented some rules and regulations for the use of Multi-level Marketing (MLM) software.
The rules and regulations appear as – the direct selling entity must have the sales tax/vat income tax and other license required as per the law/regulations as per principle place of business, it should have a bank account with at least one nationalized bank, the partnership deed of the memorandum should clearly state their nature of business, the sales incentives should be paid at the required rate and at the required time, it must manifest the names of the authentic Direct Sellers in the official website, it should entertain the consumer grievance cell that must redress the grievances of the customers within the period of seven days from the day of that complaint and the website must accommodation for registering the consumer complaint.
The government also proceeded with some authorizations that direct selling entity must appoint direct sellers upon the receipt and the security of the operations and the direct selling entity should not give incentives to any person for joining the Direct sellers. Some of the general conditions considered by the government were like MRP of goods should be conspicuous on the package and sales incentive should be distributed to the respective seller on or before the agreed due dates.
It further stated the goods sold by the Direct selling entity should carry the guarantee of the manufacturer. The consumer must be given the opportunity to exchange the particular commodity or return the commodity if he finds some sort of defect in it.
It also added that the accounts of the individual Direct sellers should be maintained properly and should be made available through the world wide web. The government also emphasized the grievance redressing mechanism wherein every direct selling company must have the complaint redressing mechanism for pandering to the essences.
As it stated at last the sale authority not agreeing with the above guidelines will not be considered as Direct Selling and will be dealt with under the relevant provisions of the existing law. Apparently, this shows the hold of the government over the stern issues via laws.
For the complete information of the guidelines issued by the government of Rajasthan Click Here
Keywords : MLM Legal Rules, MLM Guidelines by Government of Rajasthan

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